For my ‘Artefact 3’ I decided to go back to the restaurants that I had previously interviewed and do a dummy online booking forms test. I created my dummy online booking form on a website called ‘Jotform’. Which I thought was excellent, as I could build any type of dummy form and use it with a dummy database.
The dummy booking forms layout and text was just like a normal restaurant booking form. In which the managers and the staff would fill it in and the data would go to my dummy database, which was my email account.
From the responses I had received, I was very surprised as there were many positives. Even from the Pizza Hut manager that I had previously interviewed. As she found the booking form fantastic and easy to navigate around.
The manager of ‘Feast of India’ found the booking form effective, as it was similar to the one at his restaurant. Additionally the fact that it didn’t have any pointless promotions and gadgets had impressed him.
Overall I was pleased with the online dummy booking form, as it collected the data effectively without any errors and it worked within the industry. However if I was to improve the dummy booking form I would mainly look at the colour scheme used and the online security, as these features were mentioned a few times during the process. One the staff members from ‘Pizza Hut’ had mentioned that he felt his details were not secure enough, which would have put him off using it if it was a real life booking form. To improve on this I need to apply a high security measure to prevent fraud and use a colour scheme that is friendly and cheerful, that can be aimed at all audiences.
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